I was always looking for fun ways to incorporate fine motor into our daily activities in my self contained classroom. I would scour the Target Dollar Spot, Dollar Tree, and Amazon for new products to use within our classroom. I’ve found 8 fun and affordable fine motor resources just for you on Amazon for this school year! Just click an image to check them out!
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These stack it pegs are a fun independent work station to work on fine motor skills but have fun while doing it! You can let students put the pegs in all the holes, or build towers with the pegs if they want. What is more fun than getting to build some towers?!
Lacing beads can be used for a variety of skills such as patterning, color sorting, shape sorting, and counting. I used these with a few ABA clients and they had so much fun with them, it was more like a toy than work.

These nuts and bolts are not only great for fine motor skills, but are also the perfect addition to an independent work station to work on matching shapes and colors! We used these DAILY in our fine motor work station.
This adorable fine motor hedgehog looks like a fun toy but is great for fine motor work, sorting skills, counting, and color recognition!
I love this set of busy boards for different motor skills! These are all extremely important life skills to be able to independently get dressed and ready for the day. Using these to work on hand eye coordination and tricky fine motor skills will help your students be able to do things like get their coat on at the end of the day, tie their shoe when it comes untied at recess, and independently use the restroom.
This wooden sorting box has endless possibilities – all while working on hand-eye coordination skills. Students can work on patterns, color sort, shape sort, picture matching, etc! I love that this one is wood too so that it’s sturdy and can be used for years to come.
I love these wooden lacing toys for students who are just getting started on the skill. The strings have a bigger end to make it a little easier to get a handle on! There are tons of lacing toys out there, but I also like that these ones are wooden and sturdier than the thinner cardboard ones. These not only work on hand-eye coordination, but also develop fine motor skills that are useful for things like shoe tying, zippering, and buttoning.
These gator grabber tweezers are SO useful for a variety of fine motor task boxes (may of which you can make yourself with things you have around your classroom!). I’ve used them with craft pom balls, cotton balls, foam blocks, and more. These are a staple for all fine motor work stations!
If you’re interested in checking out some of my other favorites, check out my Amazon Store Front. Inside you’ll find some of my favorite academic resources, SPED prep must haves, classroom favorites, autism books, and more!