Get Started With These FREE Resources!

Tasks Galore

Alright, things have been a little crazy around teacher-land over here! We are in the home stretch of the school year and I have 3 IEP meetings to kick out in the next week and I need to finish up report cards, IEP progress reports, etc. To say the next 10 days can’t go by fast enough is an understatement! Love my little ones but summer break is SO needed around here! The pool and limearitas are screaming my name. 🙂

I wanted to write a quick post about one of my favorite go-to resources, Tasks Galore books! I found these my first year of teaching and it was SUCH a lifesaver in my autism classroom!

The “Climbing Art Obstacles in Autism” book is worth every penny, people! Crafts with students with autism can sometimes be painful for both the kiddo and the teacher. These are all visually based, simple, and mega cute! I had my classroom aides last year go through the book and make templates & craft examples for every craft in the book! They were such troopers & the time was well spent. 🙂

An example from the Tasks Galore website!

The yellow “Tasks Galore” book is another awesome find. There are SO many great tasks to make for all different aspects of your curriculum. Check out these examples of what you will find inside!

SO many awesome ideas!

The last book I own is “Making Groups Meaningful”. I haven’t used this as much in my new multiple disabilities classroom, but I referenced it quite a bit in my autism classroom. Many, many great ideas to tackle groups (which can be extremely tough with your students with autism!). Here is an example of one of the pages out of the book:

This was actually one of the ideas that I put into place in my last classroom! This gave everyone a chance to participate in calendar time, and jobs could easily be switched daily or weekly!

The books are a little pricey, but I promise you that they are so worth it!

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