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Errorless Shape File Folders and Worksheets




Errorless learning is the PERFECT way to introduce your learners to file folder tasks, independent work, and specific skills! This errorless shape resource is a great way to introduce shapes one at a time!

This resource is for use with either students in an early childhood setting such as Pre-K or Kindergarten, or in a special education setting. In my classroom, I use these file folder tasks with my special learners during their structured independent time. These are all tasks that they are able to complete on their own and have already mastered in a 1:1 work setting.

In this digital download, you will find:

  • The following shapes: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, diamond, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, octagon
  • 5 file folders per shape (10 shapes) – 50 file folders in all
  • 5 coloring pages per shape – 50 coloring pages in all
  • 5 bingo dauber pages per shape – 50 dauber pages in all


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Errorless Shape File Folders and Worksheets
